On Friday the 22nd Trevor and I stayed up all morning to be on UK hours in order to hear back from the letting agency as to whether or not we got the house we had been looking at. And...We have a home! In a month our new address will be...
2 Middle St, Worcester, WR1 1NQ, UK
"Our home", it feels good to say that again. While, I am very appreciative to all those family members that have allowed us to invade their homes this summer, and bum off their food...I miss having ONE home. I miss the familiarity off having one bed to fall asleep in every night...and one familiar room to wake up in, a room that does not startle me out of dreams confused and asking the question
"Who's home is this". It can be a very odd and insecure feeling.
Not to mention Trevor and I have been living in Basements pretty much all of are lives. We both grew up with rooms in the basement, and then when we went UWRF the only sufficient apartment we could get and afford, was the basement of someones home. Oh...yes...we shared someone else's home and lived in their basement for 2-3 years. So this time around, anything that wasn't a basement as long as we could afford it was sufficient enough for us...and the house we chose is not perfect, it has quirks but it doesn't matter because those little flaws make it a home.
So let us introduce you to the Kohls/Tomesh's new home...
I wish I had a better image of the garden that shows more of the space, but you will just have to wait until we get there for updated pictures with our decorative changes. |
The highlight of the home...in my opinion. I could not live without my bubble bath! Trevor and I have sacrificed this in our previous homes...and never again...welcome back to your rightful place bathtub. |
So this is our home....I hope you have enjoyed the tour. We will post more pictures once we get there and put our creative touches on it.
If you are reading this...this is a PERFECT TIME to subscribe to our blog...I may make it private to only those who read the blog soon...so make sure you do not miss out because you haven't subscribed.