If you know me, then you know that I am not into small talk. Thus, I find blogging difficult. If it is not a theological debate, geeking out over the latest Ubuntu release, or talking about my robot Herbert... chances are, I am not contributing to the conversation. Anyhow, Jessica wants me to write a little update about where we are in our process of getting to England... so here goes.
The facts are these:
We are not yet in the UK. We are still waiting for a single piece of paper work to come through... and of course, they are taking their sweet time getting it to us. This is, of course, a bit worrisome for a couple of reasons.
First, we have a bunch of time sensitive documents that are supposed to be sent in here soon, and we cannot send them in until we have ALL of our documentation.
Second, we are already paying for a place... six months in advance. So, we are paying for a place overseas that is currently standing empty... sigh.
Third, school is starting soon! I start my PhD on the 19th of September, and Jessica starts on the 20th. Now, it takes on average ten days to sort out a visa... so, you do the math! We're bumping up against the clock here!
As an understatement, this has been a pain in the ass... but live and learn, I suppose.