Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guy Fawkes Night

"Remember remember the fifth of November
                              Gunpowder, treason and plot.
  I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
  Should ever be forgot..."

Here is a history lesson for those of you who are not familiar with Guy Fawkes Night.  Guy Fawkes Night came about on the 5th of November of 1605 when a man by the name of Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the House of Parliament guarding dozens of barrels of gun powder.  He was tried and convicted of being a traitor and plotting against the government.  For this crime of treason Guy was sentenced to being hung, drawn, and then quartered.  To some he was a villain or a terrorist for trying to blow up the parliament and the King.  Others also considered him a hero as his attempt to kill the King was to grant all religious freedom, as at the time Catholics were prosecuted for their beliefs and the King believed everyone should be Protestant.  Traditionally Guy Fawkes Night was celebrated as a reminder and a warning to all that treason will never be forgotten.  Today, however, it is celebrated with out as much of it's original meaning, and is more of a commemoration.  

Anyhow, that is enough of history for you...this is what Guy Fawkes Night was like for  us.

Nova came along on our little adventure, he hates being left at home due to his separation anxiety and he loves to be toted around and cuddled.  In the background you can see that their are quite the festivities going on at the Worcester Racecourse.  The have carnival rides, and games, and of course yummy food.  Even Nova was able to go on one of the ghost house rides with us.  
Trevor mad me play games to get into the festivities, which I did not mind.  You spent two pounds and hooked a bag with a stuffed animal in it to win.  So I played once and got a turtle with hot I think it was a Koopa Troopa, and Trevor hooked something that looked like Sonic the Hedgehog.  
Trevors' Winnings.
Holding the puppy as I did  most of the night.  My little 9 lb boy gets heavy after a while.  

Trevor being himself in front of the bonfire before it started.  This actually did not look like a bonfire seeing as it was like 20 times the size of any bonfire I have ever seen.  Apparently they burn effigies of Guy Fawkes on this fire, but we did not see any, but I know people and children where invited to bring their "Guys".   It's a bit of a morbid holiday.
Celebration food...yum.  I ordered a hot dog, which they put charred onions on and it was delicious.  I also ordered what I thought would be nachos because they called them "cheese and chips", turns out they were just fries with cheese on them....which I thought was dumb at first, but turned out to be awesome too.
The residents of Worcester beginning to rally around the fire that has just been lit.

The bonfire. 

Nova and his daddy cuddling while they watch the bonfire.  Nova loved it.

Trevor getting excited by how big the "bonfire" is getting.

Look at all these people!  The funny thing is these were probably only a quarter of the people there because we were right in, there were even more people behind us.

Some of the very extravagant the finally there were smiley face fireworks!
Nova and I watching fireworks.  I know dogs aren't really supposed to be out when there are fireworks, but it would have been worse to leave him at home.  This is because of his separation anxiety and the fact we live so close to the racecourse it would not have made a difference and he would have still heard the fireworks and probably drove the neighbors insane.  However, he did great with the fireworks, there was some initial confusion as to what the noises were, but once he figured it out he just cuddled and relaxed.  

Trevor is sad because I made him carry all the winnings home.  lol.  It was a great night.  We even watched  the movie V for Vendetta before bed.

In conclusion, Guy Fawkes Night is my new favorite holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Quentin is sitting here making the fireworks noise, lol. He liked your pics ;)
