Sunday, February 10, 2013


Trevor was accepted to speak at a conference in Waterford Ireland for the International Games Based Learning Symposium, so we decided to make a few day trip of it.  It started with a drive from Worcester, and through Wales to get us to the Ferry port that would take us into Ireland.  These were the scariest parts of the entire trip.  Driving through the English and  Welsh countryside with unpaved and narrow roads is very troubling.  Even more troubling is the sort of unsaid etiquette as to how will have to go in reverse or turn around to let the other by...I still can't say I understand it.  However, my eyes were covered for much of that drive. 

After we arrived to the Ferry port of entry in Wales we had just enough time to stop for lunch.  I had a pineapple and cheese toastie (grilled sandwich), which was in fact weird but nevertheless good.  Then it was on to the Ferry and I was terrified when we had to drive onto the ship via a risky looking ramp. 

To me, the Ferry was one of the highlights of the whole trip.  The Irish Sea/Atlantic Ocean was a stunning sight.  While there is ample seating and entertainment including new release movies on a big screen, computers with functional Internet, and a random Curious George walking around I had other plans.  I took all the stairs up and out to the deck.  The wind hit me so hard in the face I thought I was going to lose the things I was carrying and get blown over.  Of course the wind later calmed so it was more bearable to be out. 
 Here is a picture of Trevor taking a good look around our surroundings.  Anyhow, it didn't take long for both Trevor and I to figure out we get sea sick (it was the first time either of us had been on a big boat).  Luckily he brought some sea sickness medicine assuming it would be an issue.  Unluckily it didn't make either of us feel better.

We did some sightseeing including some castle ruins. 

And, we did some swimming in the Ocean.

And we took a video of our attempts at boogie boarding and surfing for your enjoyment...

And then we had a bite to eat sea side.

It was a beautiful trip and we are hoping to go to Dublin Ireland in the coming months for the next IGBL conference.  As a side note, Trevor and I got to experience our first unisex restroom at the conference...and wow...what an awkward experience.  I just stood out side of the bathroom waiting for someone else to walk in so I would know what to do.

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