Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet Vindication: DIY Fencing

As some of you may know I have been on a quest to build a fence in our backyard (garden).  Our initial fence was deteriorating and becoming unsafe for Nova and an addition to this Wednesday we have our inspection to move forward with our dog sitting business so we wanted to be sure we would pass inspection as we would both really love to do this for some extra money and to give Nova a buddy.  Initially we contacted a local handyman to get a quote on what he would charge to replace the fence and got a quote of 297 pounds!  After discussing this quote with Trevor I told him I wanted to build the fence to save money.  Trevor was shocked, while he is a wonderfully feminist husband who believes I can do anything he was worried that building a fence required carpentry skills.  Not to mention he was worried that we did not have the proper tools, which we didn't, I had to use a handsaw for the entire project.  Talk about being exhausted and sore.  I would like to announce that I have completed the fence (no carpentry skills necessary) at a total cost of 125 pounds as well as assembled a garden door out of the remaining fence panels!  Check out my hard work...and I admit a little of Trevor's because he thought it "looked fun".


Old fencing coming lose and detaching from the house from wind gusts.  We had to make a temporary solution to keep the dog in, so we stapled it and tied it to the house.  

Very old flimsy gate which didn't latch properly.

Thee was only one piece of wood keeping Nova from escaping.  


Ta Da!  I really believe this was a worth while project.  We saved a lot of money, and truthfully I had a lot of funny.  How come no one told me destroying things was so fun!  I had a blast hammering and kicking down what was left of the old fence.  It also tests your problem solving skills and keeps you thinking.  And I enjoyed watching Trevor explain to the neighbors that his wife was building the fence...ha ha.  Next time a project like this comes along I think I am going to hire myself as the handyman!

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