Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bathroom Renovations

I started the project thinking it would just be some bathroom color.  Well, then came an extra layer of mold resistant paint, and painting the trim, and fixing the drooping ceiling, then cleaning and sealing the grout between the tiles, and finally caulking the area between the sink/bath and the tiles.  I just can't make things easy for myself...I am the certainly the daughter of a true handyman.  Growing up I watched my dad fix everything, and make anything.  He single handedly built every home I have ever lived in, he taught himself everything there is to know about building a house and everything there is to go in it, tiling, plumbing, electricity, etc.  He even went to school to learn how to install cable.  The houses he made were beautiful and some of them were even featured in magazines because they were that good!  When I was growing up my dad would always include me in these projects, he taught me how to use a nail gun, how to insulate a house, electrical work, wood splitting, etc.  And he never once made me feel like I shouldn't be doing these things, and always encouraged me even though these are not the stereotypical things a young girl is supposed to do.  He would try to teach me things sometimes to my dismay, he always wanted me to be prepared on the road and to know how to jump my car or handle it on the ice, so many of these things I thought I would never have to use and now I regret so much that I did not listen to more of what he had to teach.  You would think a man with so much brawn certainly couldn't also have a heart of gold, but he does...this is the place he stores two small dogs named Binky and Foo Foo, and from the same place he also taught me how to knit, and to cook.  In short...we like to call dad superman...and he certainly is our hero.

Without further ado, let me show you some before and after pictures of some second generation handy work.   


An icky mismatched yellow cream paint color, dirty grout, and some molding caulking in between the basin and tile.  

Notice trim is painted in cream as well, this color is not doing anything for the furniture.

Mostly icky yellow grout, exposed shower wires, and more icky yellow paint.  


(We chose a color that we believed would be neutral enough to tie in our turquoise accents, and neutral enough for the landlords to be happy.  Thank you to everyone that recommended colors and helped us with ideas...this was very much appreciated.  When we finish the decorating part we will post more pictures.)

This is a steel grey color, whitened tile grout, and re-sealed basin tile surface.

New white trim looking modern against the grey steel color.  

The Grey is really making the tiles pop, and the nice repainted window trim and floor trim, and clean white grout.

Clean Grout, and new paint.

I still clearly have some more work to do on it, but I already feel so much happier in it...it feels so clean.  I can't wait to post some pictures of the finished decorated product, but I had to post these for those of you who were growing impatient.  


  1. Jessica, I have a great relationship with my dad, but I must say, he didn't teach me any of the skills your dad taught you! He sounds like the true definition of a "handyman"! Great post!

  2. Thanks for commenting Ted...I am certainly very lucky! Hopefully I will continue to learn more from him to make up for lost time and when we don't have the entire Atlantic Ocean separating us. I hope you continue to read and enjoy the blog!
