Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

            I hope you all have had a wonderful Holiday and you are as excited as Trevor and I are to see what 2012 has in store! What a fabulous year 2011 was, I think we would both have to say it has been the most eventful year of our lives, in fact we are still taking it all in, and some of it is just so surreal. We married on Valentines Day, graduated with our Bachelor's Degrees from University of Wisconsin River-Falls in May, spent three very long horrific months applying for visas, donated most of our things to the Humane Society of Barron County, and moved to England. We arrived at our beautiful new home in September, and shortly after (5 days to be exact) we excitedly adopted our puppy Nova (a Chihuahua and Jack Russell Terrier mix) from a local shelter.

            We are now well on our way to attaining our graduate degrees. Trevor is studying Computing at the University of Worcester, and Jessica is studying Ecology and Conservation part-time at Staffordshire University (a 2 hour train ride from home).

            We thoroughly love living in England and the city. It always seems there is something fun to do only a minutes walk from home. The biggest changes we've had to adapt to: No car and relying on our feet is our sole source of transportation, the food (I have been missing some serious American Cuisine), the pace of life around here (it's so much slower here sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better), the lack of snow over the holiday and the excess of rain, and being so far from family and friends.

              Trevor and I are currently still in arguments as to where in the world we would like to reside permanently. We both know we would like to continue to travel, but we also want to live somewhere that feels like home. For now we are both really enjoying our time here; we are comfortable, happy, and adjusting very well (especially to the free healthcare).

              We are hoping 2011 went well for all of you, and hope you are staying warm and enjoying every minute of your time off. Best wishes for 2012 and all the great things in life that are yet to come.

Jessica, Trevor, and Nova


  1. I love your Christmas/new years card! And I love reading your blog and hearing about your life in England. You are very much missed but I'm glad you both had this opportunity!

  2. Ha Ha...Molly you are always the first to comment! Yes us too, but I imagine we will be moving towards the Canadian area so we can be closer to friends and family. And thanks for the compliments on the card, I found a free template and then put my own pictures in it using GIMP. I have also kind of been out of the blogging game for a little, I can't wait to get back to it when I finish up my essays for a couple of important classes. I knew you would be happy that I finally got a blog out, lol!

  3. Hi its Lee,I am glad things have been going so good for you two over in England. Hope things go just as good for you two in 2012 as they did in 2011. Hope to hear more from you guys soon. Take care
