Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our Puppy Nova

Meet Nova

If you would like to send Nova a puppy shower gift here is the link to his wish list on Amazon...

          This is it, our newest addition to the family Sir Nova Edmund Turington, Duke of Middle Street.   The name was inspired by science as all of our pet names are, and more specifically after an astronomical phenomena where a star collapses in upon itself in a large explosion called a Supernova.  We adopted this little boy September 30th, after only settling in for 5 days.  Adopting this little boy was not easy.  We were set on getting a dog from a rescue shelter because we wanted to give a dog that's had a hard life a new chance at a happy home.  So, once Trevor got internet at the office and since his professor gave him the first week off we looked up local kennels.  We called the Kennels to ask if they had any small dogs and it just broke Trevors heart when they told us a story of a Chihuahua and Jack Russel Terrier mix that has had a hard time.  This dog ended up in the kennel because in his previous home he was "tormented by children".  Trevor got the directions and we caught a bus and a taxi all just to get there to see this little dog.  And there was Nova, in the very first kennel, desperately begging for attention.  We asked if we could take him for a walk, the kennel obliged, and only a couple steps later Nova was rolled over onto his back looking up at us waiting to get his belly pet...right then I knew the deal was sealed because Trevor looked up at me with big sad eyes and I knew he had totally fallen in love.  We told the kennel that he was the one we wanted, they reserved him for us, however we had to go home empty handed.

          It is a requirement of the kennel that the dogs that are adopted out go to the best home possible.  They assure this by sending a dog warden out to check the property is a safe living space and has a closed in garden that can not be escaped from.  The dog warden made it out to the house by the next day, he took one look at the garden and at us, and told us to go get our dog.  This is usually not how quickly the process goes, I mean they like it when the dogs get out as quickly as possible, but the warden usually does not tell you directly their decision, they usually tell the kennel, and the kennel does or does not arrange a time for pick up.  But, the kennel and the warden knew how bad we wanted to get him home.  After the warden gave us the okay, we put our shoes on and ran towards the bus the time we arrived at the kennel they had just been informed by the warden that the dog will be going to us so they were really shocked as to how quickly we got there.  We filled out all the forms, and bought him a ridiculous amount of treats and toys, along with the necessities like shampoo, and food bowls.  They helped us fit him with a harness and collar, which took them a while because at that time Nova was so scared of any touch around his neck that he would nip at you.  

          We called a taxi to come pick us up, and gathered our garbage bag full of Puppy treats and toys while the kennel employee was sneaking additional toys into our was very sweet.  The taxi took us all home, Nova thoroughly enjoyed the car ride, tongue out and all.  Once we got home we set him down in his new house and he ran and explored every single room.  He loves his new house!

          Lastly, we had to give him a bath to get the kennel smell off of him, even though the kennel advised us against it because they told us we would not be able to get his collar on again after we take it off for a bath.  The bath went well, and we had no problems putting his collar back on...he is adjusting very quickly.  Now when he sees the harness or collar he just can't stop wiggling in excitement because he knows its time for a walk.  He even let me dress him up as a devil for Halloween, he is a good boy most of the time, although we are still working with him extensively to make him comfortable and to train the instinct of nipping out of him, and to get him to stop barking.  It's a process.  The only thing that gives us some comfort and a much needed break from our little bundle of energy are puzzle toys.  I will bow to the genius that created those.  

          Here is our picture homage to Nova...enjoy!  

Bath Time

This is how he dries off after bath time!

A gift Nova left me that I found when I opened up my bag for class!  Silly boy.

He Loves to cuddle.
Nova taking a nap by his toys.

Happy Halloween!

<3  This blog is dedicated to the loving memory of Bailey one of the sweetest and most loving dogs I have had the pleasure of knowing  <3

1 comment:

  1. He is just beyond sweet! And what a lucky pup to have such amazing "parents". I can't wait to see more pictures. I'm so glad you started blogging again.
