Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"UK-isms" in the Headlines

 Here is my version of J-leno's funny news clips, magazines etc. Except since J-leno is not funny (Conan is way better...Sorry Dad) this will actually be more humorous. Here is how the game is played...I will collect all the advertisements, news stories, and magazine columns that have "UK-isms" within them and once I have enough I will share them all with you so you can laugh at them with me.

In todays instance we will start with the photos that are mildly funny to "rolling on the ground laughing" funny for climatic purposes.

Okay now lets gets get started then...

Not really a UK-ism I know.  And it's really not all that funny,  but I could not help but laughing.  This is really not what I am thinking when I think Spice Girl...I think of the really bad girl band I listened to as a teenager.

How many of you were confused until you figured out the definition of "row"?  A row according to is a "noisy dispute or quarrel; commotion".  I know...I wouldn't have guessed it either.  How can you not appreciate this clip though...I mean the circumstances are sad, but what women can say she hasn't ever gotten fed up with football.  I have never stabbed anyone because of it and I am very lucky because my hubby does not like it, but oh dear god I hate football season.

In his WHAT?  His Boot?  I can not tell you how long I starred at his boot trying to figure out how he could have possibly fit a body in his shoe.  Until I read the title.  

See now...this makes much more sense.  It is a part of the car!  According to the boot is a "(Chiefly British) An automobile trunk". 

Sorry guys...this is the last one today so savor it...and you should not have a problem doing so because it's Subway!

Tuck what?  Do they have a dress code or something?  (Trevor has personal experience with this one at the office) lol.  The freedictionary comes to the rescue again, to tuck-in is to eat "(Chiefly British) Food, especially sweets and pastry".  In that case...I love tucking.  I especially love tucking me some Subway! 


  1. So funny! I think the same thing about spice girl. haha.

  2. I am glad I am not laughing by myself on that one. I totally thought you would like the Subway ad, you being somewhat of a Subway Veteran. I think I will enjoy writing my blogs on almost gets funnier every time you read the!
